Arts at Cowichan Lake
Cowichan Lake Arts & Culture Society

CLAC Annual General Meeting
It was more a celebration of accomplishments than an AGM, and celebrate we did! The new board
of directors, increased by 3, enjoyed conversations with the over 20 attendees. It was a celebration
of our first year for the Arts Centre as we signed the rental agreement at the last AGM. Since then
the space has been remodeled to fit new visions and increased exhibitors – all done with minimal
budget and a major amount of donations in both time and materials...(Read more..)
We respectfully acknowledge that we are operating in the territories of the Ts'uubaa-asatx First Nation (Lake Cowichan First Nation), Ditidaht First Nation and Cowichan Tribes. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the original peoples of the Cowichan Valley for sharing their culture with us.
Cowichan Lake Arts and Culture Society is privileged to serve the communities surrounding Cowichan Lake.